Die Walküre

First day of the stage festival 'Der Ring des Nibelungen' by Richard Wagner
Text by Richard Wagner

Resumption 21.05.2025

  • Eine Szene aus Die Walküre
    © Ingo Höhn
  • Eine Szene aus Die Walküre
    © Ingo Höhn
  • Eine Szene aus Die Walküre
    © Ingo Höhn
  • Eine Szene aus Die Walküre
    © Ingo Höhn
  • Eine Szene aus Die Walküre
    © Ingo Höhn

  • 4 hours 50 minutes with two breaks
  • Interesting for people from 12+
  • In German, with German surtitles
  • With English surtitles

Second part of the 'Ring' saga

The incestuous love of the twins Siegmund and Sieglinde becomes a test for the family of the gods. In a quarrel with his wife Fricka, Wotan promises to entrust his favourite daughter Brünnhilde with the removal of Siegmund. But the Valkyrie Brünnhilde refuses to obey, which leads to the final break with her father. Wotan punishes the "renegade" by putting her to sleep and placing a circle of fire around her. Only fearless heroes are able to pass through this circle.

Together with musicians of the Sinfonieorchester Basel, 'Ring' conductor Jonathan Nott introduces the musical structures and presents the most important leitmotifs.

  • Rehearsal Centre Picassoplatz
  • 22.8.2023, 7:30 pm
  • Collection

The 'Ring' in short form: Ansi Verwey presents the opera cycle on the piano. A one-woman show for everyone who loves, hates, knows or wants to discover Wagner.

  • Small Stage
  • 29.8.2023, 8pm
  • CHF 40.-
  • Thank you! With the kind support of Theaterverein Basel

In an introduction followed by a visit to a final rehearsal, the directing team will give an insight into the new productions of 'Das Rheingold' and 'Die Walküre'.

  • 'Das Rheingold', Foyer, 4.9.2023, 6:30 p.m.
  • 'Die Walküre', Foyer, 11.9.2023, 6:30 p.m.
  • CHF 10.-

On four Thursday evenings, Basel director and performer Marcel Schwald and dramaturge Jonas Gillmann invite artists:inside the festival and other guests to a late-night talk. The evening will be musically accompanied by Les Reines Prochaines.

  • in the theatre café
  • 14/21/28 September and 5 October 2023, 9:30 p.m.
  • Free admission

For selected opera performances, there are now two exclusive seats in the orchestra pit. Observe the interaction between conductor and musicians and experience the orchestral sound at close quarters.

Book online

Together with the dramaturgy, the Basel Kulturhaus Bider & Tanner has been curating the book table for our plays for many years. Now this selection of books, CDs, DVDs, catalogues or even sheet music can be accessed at any time in the online shop. It's worth browsing regularly.

Book table

With the kind support of IG Ring

After more than 40 years, 'The Ring' is returning to Theater Basel. In the autumns of 2023 and 2024, the premières of 'Das Rheingold', 'Die Walküre', 'Siegfried' and 'Götterdämmerung' will be accompanied by a festival lasting several weeks with commissioned works, discussion series, late-night formats and other events that take their own perspectives on the diverse thematic complexes of 'Der Ring'.



Richard Wagner's complete ‹Ring des Nibelungen›, all four operas, as a cycle – this is an experience that we would like to round off for you. With this PLUS you will receive a variation of the ‹Ring platter› with a drink, the programme booklets, four drinks vouchers and an exclusive discussion with members of the artistic team every evening.

Cycle Subscription PLUS

Und was tun die Solistinnen und Solisten und das Basler Sinfonieorchester unter Jonathan Nott? Sie dringen mit Stimmen und Klängen in unser Innerstes, wühlen es auf, beruhigen und berauschen es, sodass wir fünf lange Stunden Brünnhildes Erinnerungen lauschen und uns nicht davon lösen wollen. (…) Die Solistinnen und Solisten, allen voran Nathan Berg als eigenwilliger Wotan, Trine Møller als zweifelnde Brünnhilde, aber auch Ric Furman und Theresa Kronthaler als liebender Siegmund und hörende Sieglinde und auch der hünenhafte Artyom Wasnetsov als Hunding: Sie leisten einen Abend lang göttergleich Übermenschliches.

Basler Zeitung

Ric Furman (Siegfried) gelingt mit lyrischem Tenor ein toller Abend, Theresa Kronthaler (Sieglinde) spricht und singt sich zum Triumph. Trine Moller (Brünnhilde) jubelt ihre Mädchen-Freude kraftvoll aus der Brust, derweil Nathan Berg (Wotan) nicht nur fast vier Stunden auf der Bühne steht, sondern auch das Finale beachtlich meistert.

bz Basel

Zu den intensivsten, bildmächtigen Momenten des Abends gehört der Walkürenritt während eines heftigen Gewitters. Dazu trägt die Musik ganz wesentlich bei. (…) Das Sinfonieorchester Basel unter Jonathan Nott begeistert erneut mit einem wunderbar satten, aber dennoch federleichten Klang. Pures Vergnügen: Diesen Ring muss man gesehen haben!

Online Merker 

More 'Ring