Our goal is to ensure that Theater Basel is a place where people from throughout the local region can meet and connect with each other. An inclusive multigenerational environment on Theaterplatz, an essential part of the lives of many in the neighbourhood and an open and modern employer.
That’s what we want to be. Join us on this journey and get involved with Theater Basel! Whether as a patron, a sponsor or a member of one of our audience organisations – we look forward to hearing from you.

Circle of patrons Donations Bequest Sponsoring

Several initiatives are committed to Theater Basel. Over 4,000 people are active here. They support the entire theater or just individual sections, they attend performances together or even go on trips.

What is the Theater cooperative?

  • Official sponsorship of Theater Basel
  • approx. 750 members
  • founded in 1921

What does the theater cooperative do?

  • aims to operate the Theater Basel
  • discharges and elects the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting
  • publishes the annual report

What are the benefits of membership?

  • Two vouchers for a performance worth CHF 50 each per year
  • Invitation to a rehearsal visit
  • Opportunity to have a say and ask questions, election of members of the Board of Directors
  • Invitation to the Annual General Meeting followed by an aperitif
  • Receipt of the annual report
  • Invitation to the annual program presentation


+41 (0)61 295 14 06

Become a member

  • Annual contributions: Per person CHF 150.
  • AHV recipients:in CHF 100.
  • Persons up to the age of 25 CHF 50.
  • Legal entities CHF 500.-


As a traditional association with members who are more than just theater enthusiasts, we are particularly committed to Theater Basel. We regularly support particularly noteworthy premieres and are committed to projects that are close to our hearts. Members receive a subscription specially put together for them and attractive conditions when purchasing tickets for individual performances. At exclusive events surrounding the new productions, we get to talk to artists, get to know the production team and take a look behind the scenes.


St. Alban-Vorstadt 70
4052 Basel

+41 (0)61 601 94 14

Become a member

Annual fee: CHF 50 per person

The Regionale Interessengemeinschaft (RIG) is a community of committed theater lovers who support the theater as much as they can. We support theater professionals in opera, drama and ballet in Basel and also look beyond the horizon. Discussions with dramaturges, actors and directors are particularly popular. Visits to other theaters in Switzerland and abroad as well as theater trips are also part of the program. The RIG was founded as an association in 1993. The aim was to better anchor Theater Basel as a three-genre theater in the population beyond the borders of the canton of Basel-Stadt. At the time, the impetus for the foundation came from cost-cutting measures. The RIG campaigned for a financing model that would involve the surrounding area in Switzerland and abroad to a greater extent.


Regionale Interessengemeinschaft Theater Basel
Feldbergstrasse 91
4057 Basel

+41 (0)76 574 51 55

Become a member

  • Annual contributions: Per person CHF 100.
  • Couples CHF 130.-
  • Legal entities CHF 300.-

The Basler Ballett Gilde (bbg) was founded in 1982. Its aims are to promote interest in the Ballett Theater Basel ensemble and in ballet as an art form. At various events in the theater, bbg members meet the dancers; Richard Wherlock regularly gives members exclusive information. There is also the opportunity to attend a stage rehearsal for each new ballet piece and gain an insight behind the scenes. The bbg provides financial and non-material support for artistic ballet projects, e.g. part of the dance education program. The bbg also supports individual dancers in projects related to transition, i.e. professional reorientation after an active stage career.


Basler Ballett Gilde (bbg)
Postfach 162
4010 Basel


Become a member

Annual contribution:

  • ‹Reverence› U30 CHF 30.–
  • ‹Pirouette› CHF 90.–
  • ‹Pas de Deux› CHF 130.–
  • ‹Arabesque› CHF 250.–
  • ‹Grand Jeté› CHF 500.– 

The ‹Freunde der Jungen Oper Basel› association sees its central task as enabling the involvement of the aforementioned artistic professionals by making a financial contribution and actively seeking sponsors. In this way, the association aims to contribute to the long-term promotion of the musical training of the young people involved and to increase the attractiveness of the productions.


Freunde der Jungen Oper Basel
c/o Dr. Ivan Csendes
Finkenstrasse 9
4104 Oberwil



Become a member

  • Annual contributions: Per person CHF 100.

Young people who are interested in theater, would like to take a look behind the scenes and get to know the people behind the scenes can find a connection here.They watch and discuss theater together. Events are attended once a week and the group discusses what they have seen. Talks with directors, actors, dancers and other experts are also part of the program.

The Supervistas have groups all over Switzerland - including in Basel.

September 2024 bis Juni 2025 (späterer Einstieg möglich)

Theater day
always on Thursdays

We visit
Theater Basel, Kaserne Basel, junges theater basel, Theater ROXY, Vorstadttheater Basel, Reactor, Theater Süd, neuestheater.ch, Theaterfestival Basel and others.

Elena Manuel (she/her), Isabelle Romano

Season fee
CHF 300.- (incl. entrance fees)
