Season tickets for the 24/25 season are now available in the ticket shop. Secure your favourite seat today.


In the 24/25 season, we are offering you two very special subscriptions: the ‘Grosse Bühne premiere subscription’ and the ‘Zyklen-Abo PLUS’. With both subscriptions, you not only get your favourite seat, but also the programme booklets for the productions, drinks vouchers for refreshments in between and the opportunity to meet members of the artistic team. You experience everything a little closer, a little more intensively and: exclusively!

Grosse Bühne premiere subscription Cycle Subscription PLUS

8 premieres, from CHF 914.–

Always on the pulse of the big productions. Including drinks voucher, programme booklet and premiere party

  • ACHF 1424.–
  • BCHF 1264.–
  • CCHF 1104.–
  • DCHF 914.–
Buy now

10 premieres, from CHF 580.–

The new productions at the Schauspielhaus. With premiere party in the theatre café

  • ACHF 660.–
  • BCHF 580.–
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7 productions, from CHF 534.–

For opera fans, only this season with 20% discount

  • ACHF 786.–
  • BCHF 702.–
  • CCHF 618.–
  • DCHF 534.–
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9 productions, from CHF 483.–

For theatre fans, also this season with a 20% discount

  • ACHF 560.–
  • BCHF 492.–
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5 ballet evenings, from CHF 290.–

For ballet fans, only this season with 20% discount

  • ACHF 362.–
  • BCHF 338.–
  • CCHF 314.–
  • DCHF 290.–
Buy now

4 evenings with the Opera Studio for CHF 191.–

The opera studio OperAvenir accompanies young singers at the beginning of their professional career. With this subscription, you can experience young talents at their debuts.

  • ACHF 182.–
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5 productions, from CHF 377.–

The small subscription for new, interested and undecided people. With 10% discount

  • ACHF 539.–
  • BCHF 485.–
  • CCHF 431.–
  • DCHF 377.–
Buy now

7 productions, from CHF 489.–

Once everything mixed with 15% discount

  • ACHF 728.–
  • BCHF 653.–
  • CCHF 575.–
  • DCHF 498.–
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5 productions, CHF 371.–

For sounding days with a 10% discount

  • ACHF 578.–
  • BCHF 510.–
  • CCHF 442.–
  • DCHF 371.–
Buy now

9 productions, from CHF 628.–

The sweetened start to the week with a 15% discount

  • ACHF 858.–
  • BCHF 783.–
  • CCHF 705.–
  • DCHF 628.–
Buy now

9 productions, CHF 620.–

The cultural evening in the middle of the week with a 15% discount

  • ACHF 850.–
  • BCHF 775.–
  • CCHF 697.–
  • DCHF 620.–
Buy now

9 productions, from CHF 620.–

The extra boost for the weekend spurt with a 15% discount

  • ACHF 850.–
  • BCHF 775.–
  • CCHF 697.–
  • DCHF 620.–
Buy now

9 productions, from CHF 468.–

The pre-extended weekend at the Schauspielhaus with a 15% discount

  • ACHF 528.–
  • BCHF 468.–
Buy now

9 productions, from CHF 661.–

Off to the weekend with a 15% discount

  • ACHF 903.–
  • BCHF 828.–
  • CCHF 750.–
  • DCHF 661.–
Buy now

9 productions, from CH 513.–

Toast to a successful week with a 15% discount

  • ACHF 573.–
  • BCHF 513.–
Buy now

9 productions, from CHF 675.–

Cosy Sunday programme with 15% discount

  • ACHF 962.–
  • BCHF 876.–
  • CCHF 785.–
  • DCHF 675.–
Buy now

7 productions, from CHF 517.–

End of the week with 15 to 20% discount

  • ACHF 826.– / AHV 785.–
  • BCHF 739.– / AHV 701.–
  • CCHF 648.– / AHV 617.–
  • DCHF 542.– / AHV 517.–
Buy now

At least four pieces of your choice

You choose: at least four productions on the dates of your choice*. Depending on the number of plays selected, with a 10 to 20% discount.

  • 4 events: 10% discount
  • 6 or more events: 15% discount
  • 10 events or more: 20% discount

The 24/25 election subscription is available in the ticket shop from 24 June 2024.

* Special events and guest performances are excluded. In the price categories A to D

Buy now

  • NEW! 10% discount in the theatre gastronomy*.
  • 10 to 20% discount to the theatre
  • Advance purchase of additional tickets: 5 days before all others with 10% discount
  • Favourite seat! A fixed seat of your choice
  • Plannable! Fixed dates for the entire season
  • Season presentation in May exclusively for subscribers, followed by an aperitif
  • Subscription exchange: 2x per ticket free of charge, CHF 10.- thereafter
  • Regular information via newsletter

*On presentation of subscription card (1 card = 1 drink/snack)

Mit jedem unserer Abos bekommen Sie einen Rabatt von 10 bis 20% im Vergleich zum Kauf von Einzeltickets. (Heisser Tipp: Alle drei Sparten-Abos enthalten in der Spielzeit 24/25 ganze 20% Rabatt)

Als Abonnent:in können Sie Abotermine umtauschen, sollte Ihnen ein Datum oder Titel nicht passen. Die ersten beiden Male gratis, ab dem dritten für eine Verarbeitungsgebühr von CHF 10.– pro Termin.

Phantastisch! Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie mit Ihrem Abo noch nicht genug Theater bekommen. Unser Angebot, damit Sie alle Stücke sehen können, die Sie interessieren: 10% Rabatt auf alle zusätzlichen Tickets ausserhalb Ihres Abos.

Ja! Die beste Gelegenheit, um die Künstler:innen, Teams und Theaterleitung kennenzulernen, sind unsere Premieren und die dazugehörigen Abos. Wir laden Sie als Abonnent:in zur jährlichen Spielplanpräsentation im Mai ein. Auch da können Sie sich persönlich mit den Spartenleiter:innen austauschen.

Nein. Aber Sie dürfen! Ob Fashionista, Anzugträgerin oder Couch-König in Jogginghosen. Die Zeiten eines Dresscodes am Theater sind vorbei. Auch bei Premieren. Kommen Sie so, wie Sie sich am wohlsten fühlen!

+41 (0)61 295 11 33

Tue-Sat 11:00-18:00, Foyer
Mon 11:00-18:00, small ticket office