We welcome everyone who would like to become an active part of Theater Basel! There are various opportunities to do so: For all age groups. With and without previous experience. For opera, acting, dance, building or handicraft enthusiasts. This is possible in various productions, projects or ensembles. Welcome to Theater Basel!

We are always looking for cast members for our professional stage productions and other projects. In some cases, there are extensive roles with a lot of text, dance or sound to be filled. Necessary previous experience or further criteria are described in the respective casting announcements in our job portal. More

Für die Spielzeit 24/25 suchen wir Mitwirkende für folgende Produktionen:

‹Siegfried› und ‹Götterdämmerung›

Es handelt sich um zwei Produktionen aus ‹Der Ring des Nibelungen›. Richard Wagners monumentaler Opern-Zyklus erzählt vom Niedergang eines Machtsystems, dem schicksalshaften Scheitern des Helden und der Utopie der Liebe. In Benedikt von Peters Neuinszenierung stehen die Schuld-Verstrickungen Wotans und deren unheilvolle Auswirkungen auf die nachfolgenden Generationen im Mittelpunkt. Anmeldung: statisterie@theater-basel.ch

Wir suchen Puppenspieler:innen:

  • Spiel- und bewegungsfreudige Menschen, die überlebensgrosse Puppen als Puppenspieler:innen führen und beleben.
  • Premieren: ‹Siegfried›, 28.9.2024 / ‹Götterdämmerung›, 6.10.2024
  • Proben: Wir proben jeweils abends oder Samstagvormittag. Derzeit finden die Proben ca. 2-3 Mal in der Woche statt, ab Mitte August geht es in die Intensivphase.
  • Weitere Infos zu Daten und Castings: statisterie@theater-basel.ch

Wir suchen Kinderstatist:innen:

  • Zwei Jungen, in ähnlichem Alter und mit ähnlicher Erscheinung
  • Premiere: ‹Siegfried›, 28.9.2024
  • Proben: Wir proben 14.–19.8. und 11.9.–28.9. intensiv. Einzelne Proben ab sofort bis Mitte Juni 2024 nach Absprache.
  • Ein erstes Kennenlernen findet statt am 22. Mai 2024, 17:30 Uhr, in der Voltahalle
  • Weitere Infos zu Daten und Castings: statisterie@theater-basel.ch

Extras are supporting actors who usually do not have speaking roles and mainly act in the crowd with others and are therefore very important for a credible and lively background picture. In the extras section you can register continuously with an email: Name, age, natural photos and special skills are of interest to our head of the extras department, Robert Keller: statisterie@theater-basel.ch

Six play clubs from all genres are aimed at all age groups. Almost all play clubs rehearse once a week, run for a year and end with their own performance on one of Theater Basel's stages.

Play clubs

The choir of Theater Basel, under the direction of our choral director Michael Clark, is made up of the professional opera choir, the Opera Choir Academy (OCA) and the Extra Choir. The Extra Choir is a choir of well-trained adult amateur singers. It participates in large opera productions or concerts in which a particularly large number of choristers are needed. In regular rehearsals, new pieces are rehearsed and the common choral sound is cultivated. For this reason, membership in the Extra Choir requires not only vocal and acting skills but also a high degree of time availability. As a rule, rehearsals take place one to three times a week in the evenings. There are additional rehearsals directly before premieres and concerts. Admission to the Extra Choir is decided after an audition. Interested persons should contact Pam Herzog: p.herzog@artcom.ch

The Foyer Public is a public urban space under the roof of the theatre. It can be used as a meeting place or for activities. AskMe staff are always on hand in the Public Foyer as contact persons for visitors and help where they can.

The AskMe team consists of 25 people. During opening hours, there are always two of them on site. They are the first point of contact in the Public Foyer, responsible for the friendly observance of the few rules that apply. At the same time, they observe what is going on and give feedback within the department for corrections and evaluation. At the moment the team is full. Information will be provided at this point should AskMe staff members be sought.

There are 73 different professions at Theater Basel. From dramaturgy, communication or theatre pedagogy to financial management, pyrotechnics, painting, carpentry, poly design, tailoring, make-up to transport, event technology, gastronomy, building cleaning and many more. We regularly advertise new internships, job shadowing and positions for our house. Unsolicited applications are also possible.

Jobs & Projects

Productions to take part in