This page is aimed at all teachers who would like to visit Theater Basel with their pupils. We recommend plays, ballet and opera as well as other projects for school classes - independent of the subject lessons. Even without prior knowledge or theatre experience. Schools have the right to pre-book all performances even before the official advance booking period begins. Reservations can be made by email to

Ein Wochenende nur für Euch (und uns, das Team Schule des Theater Basel) im wunderschön gelegenen Seminarhotel Rigi am Vierwaldstätter See! Eine Auszeit vom Alltag gespickt mit theaterpädagogischen Trainings zur Inspiration für den Schulalltag.

Info & Anmeldung

Pupils in classes (from 10 persons, regardless of country or canton) pay the following prices per person and per ticket: CHF 20 on the Main Stage and CHF 10 on the Playhouse and the Small Stage. For all performances, also in advance booking and in the ticket shop. New also for premieres. One teacher per 10 pupils receives free admission.

This subscription includes seven selected performances for CHF 90! Included are three productions on the Main Stage, one production in the Playhouse, two productions on the Small Stage and a guided tour behind the scenes.

The subscription is already running. Booking and further information:

Are you coming to one of our performances with your class? We would be happy to accompany you with a pre- or post-performance preparation. This can take place in the classroom at home or here on site at the theatre. Together we will get to know the content and the working methods behind the productions. We also provide teaching materials for selected plays. We send them by e-mail on request.

  • Free of charge
  • At the Basel Theatre or at school
  • Dates by arrangement

A play is worked on and rehearsed for many weeks before its premiere. What exactly happens during rehearsals? Your school class will get an impression of the preparations and information about the artistic process of a production during a rehearsal visit. Together we will then analyse, reflect and discuss observations made by the pupils. Opera, drama and ballet rehearsal visits are possible on all stages throughout the season.

  • Free of charge
  • By arrangement

Over 400 people work at Theater Basel in more than 70 professions. A guided tour of Theater Basel gives you a glimpse behind the scenes. The tour of the entire building and the workshops gives an impression of everyday theatre life. A guided tour is possible in different languages and with different thematic focuses: On a particular play. On different professions. On architecture. Or playfully for primary school pupils.

  • CHF 100 per group
  • 60 to 90 minutes
  • Maximum 25 people per tour

With a sponsorship, we accompany your school class intensively over a longer period of time, for example a whole school year. We will focus on one or more productions selected by you. A shorter period of one week or more is also possible. With a sponsorship, your school class can accompany a play from the first ideas to the final rehearsals and experience the premiere. The type and scope of the sponsorship will be agreed upon individually.

  • Over a longer period
  • Content and scope to be agreed

Spend a day at the Basel Theatre. With a class or the whole year group. We will coordinate the programme individually with you, the teacher. There will be guided tours, visits to training and rehearsals, introductions to plays, workshops on the multifaceted world of theatre. The day is rounded off with a visit to a performance in the evening.

  • A whole day at Basel Theatre
  • Content, costs and scope by arrangement

A new play is always a gamble, and no age assessment is universal. So that you can form your own opinion, we invite you to a free preview.

In the newsletter (DE) we inform you once a month about current offers, exclusive invitations, spontaneous events and background information. So it's worth subscribing!

  • Free of charge
  • Preview dates are published in the newsletter

In all three sections we also offer workshops independent of a performance. Participants learn about theatre as an artistic form of communication in which the audience plays a leading role. For groups who want to strengthen their perception or are planning their own performance. For those who want to deal with group dynamics or are looking for application training. For teachers, spectators and players.

  • From CHF 120.- per school class
  • From CHF 300.- per teacher training course
  • Dates by arrangement
  • Contact: Julia Leitmeyer Julia Leitmeyer

Upstairs, on the seventh floor of the Foyer Public, there is a bright room for the play clubs. We call it Gallery 7, where our play clubs perform for a limited number of spectators. Exclusive performances can be booked for a single class in the morning, afternoon or evening. Gallery 7 is also available for groups who want to develop their very own play there with supervision. We announce dates and plays in the newsletter for schools (DE) . Subscribe

The play and the rehearsals are ready, but costumes are still missing? The school store is open again for small groups! Masks are compulsory.

  • Direction: Cornelia Peter
  • Appointments by arrangement and pre-registration by email to:
  • The school fundus is located here: Steinenbachgässlein 4, 4051 Basel

Pieces for the primary level

Pieces for secondary level I
