Telling Stories

By Fabrice Mazliah

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  • Eine Szene aus Telling Stories
    © Ingo Höhn
  • Eine Szene aus Telling Stories
    © Ingo Höhn
  • Eine Szene aus Telling Stories
    © Ingo Höhn
  • Eine Szene aus dem Tanzstück Telling Stories
    © Jörg Baumann

  • Swiss premiere, Basel version
  • 55 minutes without an intermission
  • in English
  • Interesting for people from 12+

Choreography for exciting head-body cinema

Three protagonists. One room. A few everyday objects that are not connected. There is not just one plot here, but several mysteriously superimposed perspectives. Telling Stories' tells of the act of storytelling. Through the recurring nesting of physical and textual pictorial descriptions, 'Telling Stories' hovers in the infinitely rich space between cognition and meaning. In this diversity, dreamlike and invitingly open, everything is possible for performer and audience. And everything has meaning. Swiss choreographer Fabrice Mazliah presents the acclaimed 'Telling Stories' in January and a world premiere tailor-made for Ballett Basel in April. The world premiere of 'Telling Stories' took place in 2015 at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt.

Following the dernière on 11 February 2024, there will be an audience discussion with the choreographer Fabrice Mazliah and the three dancers Rachelle Scott, Sophie Vergeres and David Lagerqvist on Kleine Bühne.

Together with the dramaturgy, the Basel Kulturhaus Bider & Tanner has curated the book table for our plays for many years. Now this selection of books, CDs, DVDs, catalogues or even sheet music can be accessed at any time in the online shop. It's worth browsing regularly.

Book table

With the kind support of the Binding Stiftung and the Stiftung Basler Ballettgilde (bbg) 


Das Stück erzählt vom Akt des Erzählens. Durch die wiederkehrende Verschachtelung von körperlichen und textlichen Bild-Beschreibungen schwebt es im unendlich reichen Spielraum zwischen Erkenntnis und Bedeutung.
Die Oberbadische
Telling Stories zeigt auf, wodurch die Bewegung ihre Bedeutung erhält. Dazu braucht es nicht Gegenstände, aber unbedingt Inhalte, wie Gefühle, Gedanken, Beziehung, sei es zum Performance-Partner oder zum Publikum.
bz Basel

Dates follow

Ballett Basel 23/24: