Mask music theatre on the high seas
With the dream of saving the world, a girl goes aboard Captain Nemo's 'Nautilus'. But the famous ship has long since degenerated into a museum. The aged crew does everything to make their retirement as pleasant as possible. Attempts at communication come to nothing, they get tangled up in trivialities - but they are all in the same boat. The internationally renowned mask theatre group Familie Flöz spins a poetic and absurdly funny tale of silent play and musical fantasy language. Singers and an instrumental ensemble bring the mysterious world of the sea to life.
Together with the dramaturgy, Basel's Kulturhaus Bider & Tanner has curated the book table for our plays for many years. Now this selection of books, CDs, DVDs, catalogues or even sheet music can be accessed at any time in the online shop. It's worth browsing regularly.
In cooperation with the Hochschule für Musik, Klassik FHNW
With the kind support of Novartis
Was das Auge zu sehen bekommt, ist temporeiches und poetisches Maskentheater: Die Inszenierung besorgt die Theaterkompanie Familie Flöz, die sich in ihrem künstlerischen Ansatz insbesondere dem Handwerkskasten des Stummfilms bedient. Damit ihre Stücke über die Sprachgrenzen hinweg verständlich sind, verzichten sie zumeist auf das gesprochene Wort. Denn mit Humor à la Chaplin können sowohl Erwachsene als auch Kinder etwas anfangen (...).
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