Timon Jansen, born in 1990 on the Lower Rhine, completed a voluntary year at the Theater Hebbel Am Ufer in Berlin and then studied applied theatre studies in Giessen with Heiner Goebbels and theatre directing in Zurich. He worked as an assistant director at the Basel Theatre and the Zurich Opera House, with Sebastian Baumgarten, Thom Luz and Stefan Bachmann, among others. He often wrote and directed in collective work, among others 'Wald' after Büchner at the Treibstoff Theatertage Basel, 'Traum einen lächerlichen Menschen' after Dostojewski at the Residenztheater München, 'Draussen vor der Tür' after Wolfgang Borchert at the Theater Basel. The scenic concert 'The Thing' after John Carpenter was created in cooperation with the Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie at the ZKM Karlsruhe. His final production 'Summer Guests' after Maxim Gorky was invited to the Körber Studio Junge Regie as well as to the Schauspielschultreffen. He wrote his first screenplay 'Once Upon a Time in Westdeutschland' as part of the Nürnberger Autorenstipendium and in cooperation with Bayrischer Rundfunk.