Cornelius Hunziker was born in Arlesheim in 1983 and lives in Basel. He was lighting designer at the Theater Neumarkt Zurich, the Neues Theater in Dornach and for independent productions. He has created lighting designs for productions by Victor Bodo, Susanne Kennedy, Martin Kusej, Antonio Latella, Christoph Marthaler, Sebastian Nübling, Ulrich Rasche, Simon Stone and Philip Stölzl, among others. Three productions - ‹Drei Schwestern› after Anton Chekhov, directed by Simon Stone, ‹Woyzeck› by Georg Büchner, directed by Ulrich Rasche and ‹Tartuffe› by Peter Licht after Molière, directed by Claudia Bauer - were guests at the Berlin Theatertreffen. The opera ‹Einstein on the Beach› by Philip Glass (director: Susanne Kennedy) was invited to the Berliner Festspiele and the Wiener Festwochen. Cornelius Hunziker is co-founder of the label Sprachhaus M. He has been lighting master and lighting designer at Theater Basel since 2012 and head of the lighting department since 2023.