Due to unexpected logistical problems, this production will unfortunately not be resumed in the season 22/23.
A ballet about power and betrayal
Duels, betrayals, intimate seductions, monologues in front of the mirror, love scenes and deaths: this is what Shakespeare’s plays about the five kings of England from Richard II to Richard III are all about. Richard Wherlock also tells of the crimes and strategies used to hold on to power. The music for this evening of dance is reminiscent of a captivating film soundtrack and was written by ensemble member Max Zachrisson.
Digital Bookstall
Together with our dramaturgy team, Basel’s arts centre Bider and Tanner has been curating the bookstall for our performances for many years. The wide range of books, CDs, DVDs, catalogues and even sheet music is now available 24/7 in the online shop. It’s worth taking a regular look.
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