Die schwarzen Brüder
Theater Public

Based on the novel by Lisa Tetzner

Currently no performances / tickets left!

  • Eine Szene aus Die schwarzen Brüder
  • Eine Szene aus Die schwarzen Brüder
    © Ingo Hoehn
  • Eine Szene aus Die schwarzen Brüder
    © Ingo Hoehn

  • 1 hour 25 minutes without an intermission
  • Interesting for people from 10+

A play about cohesion and resistance

Ticino in 1838: a poor harvest led to great hardship. Families moved together, saved, shared and were the only security they could have. But some parents saw no other option than to sell their children to rich Milan. There, the children had to clean chimneys like living brushes. To fight back, some of the Verding children form a gang. They declare war on exploitation. The theatre's play club ensemble around director Mbene Mwambene enters into a community of solidarity with the Verding children. Because even today, child labour still exists in poverty-stricken regions.

Digital book table

Together with the dramaturgy, Basel's Kulturhaus Bider & Tanner has curated the book table for our plays for many years. Now this selection of books, CDs, DVDs, catalogues or even sheet music can be accessed at any time in the online shop. It's worth browsing regularly.

Book table


Der Regisseur Mbene Mwambene ist Sambia-Malawier und setzt sich in seinem Schaffen mit postkolonialen Themen auseinander. Es gelingt ihm, sein Ensemble mit 14 Jugendlichen des Spielclubs für die Geschichte um die «schwarzen Brüder» so zu begeistern, dass es mit grossem Einsatz auf der Kleinen Bühne dem Publikum sein Anliegen ans Herz legt.
Basler Zeitung

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