Breitfuss Actor

© Christian Knörr

Gottfried Breitfuss, born in 1958 in Maishofen, Austria, studied acting at the Mozarteum in Salzburg. Engagements took him to the Residenztheater Munich, the Schiller Theater Berlin, the Freie Volksbühne Berlin and the Theater Basel. From 1993 to 2005 he was engaged at the Staatstheater Stuttgart, where he played numerous leading roles and directed several productions himself. Since July 2005 Gottfried Breitfuss has been a permanent member of the ensemble at the Schauspielhaus Zurich, where he has appeared in productions such as 'Der Idiot. Anfang des Romans' (directed by Alvis Hermanis), 'Hier und Jetzt' (directed by Jürgen Gosch), 'Die Dreigroschenoper' (directed by Niklaus Helbling) and 'Die zehn Gebote' after Kieślowski (directed by Karin Henkel) and could be seen for many years as Yvonne in Barbara Frey's production of Gombrowicz's 'Yvonne, die Burgunderprinzessin'. He has worked continuously with directors Frank Castorf, Christoph Marthaler, Karin Henkel and Jan Bosse.

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