
Ferdinand Silberg is a jazz trombonist from Basel. Born in Starnberg, he studied in Vienna, where he graduated with honours from the Music and Arts University with Johannes Herrlich in July 2018. In September 2018, he began his studies at the Jazzcampus of the Basel Music Academy with Adrian Mears and Mike Svoboda, where he completed his master's degree in music education with Michael Büttler and Adrian Mears in August 2021. Since September 2022 he has been studying jazz composition with Guillermo Klein, Nils Wogram and Adrian Mears at the Jazzcampus of the Musikakademie Basel. He plays in various formations and bands in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. His style ranges from traditional and modern jazz to funk and salsa, rock and popular, as well as classical and new music. As a composer and arranger, he has already written music for his own projects as well as for big bands and other formations. In the 23/24 season he is part of the band of 'Die Dreigroschenoper'.