Keesing Dancer

Die Balletttänzerin Kelly Keesing
© Christian Knörr

Kelly Keesing was born in 1999 in Perth, Australia, where she received her first dance and gymnastics lessons. At 16, she moved away from home to train at the renowned Tanya Pearson Academy in Sydney, under the direction of Lucinda Dunn. Furthermore, she received her bachelor’s degree at the Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden, and in her final year joined Ballet National de Marseille as an apprentice, under the direction of (LA)HORDE. In season 20/21 she was a dancer with Bern Ballett, before joining Ballett Theater Basel in 2021. She has participated in workshops and danced works by Crystal Pite, Edward Clug, William Forsythe, David Dawson, Bryan Arias, Ohad Naharin, (LA)HORDE, Richard Wherlock, Jeroen Verbruggen, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa and Lukáš Timulak amongst many others. In 2020 Kelly was a recipient of the Melinda Esterházy foundation scholarship.

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