
Romy Springsguth
© Christian Knörr

Romy Springsguth Born in Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz), the artist is a stage and costume designer for international theatre and opera productions, she works in contemporary dance and as a set designer in film productions. She completed her studies in stage design, costume design and scenography at the Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee under Peter Schubert and Roland Schimmelpfennig in 2006 with her diploma production at the Volksbühne Berlin. She works closely with Ulrich Rasche (including 'Agamemnon' at the Athens Epidaurus Festival & Residenztheater Munich; 'Das grosse Heft' at Staatsschauspiel Dresden, invited to the 2019 Berlin Theatertreffen; 'Leonce und Lena' at Deutsches Theater Berlin; 'Elektra' at Grand Theâtre de Genève; 'Johannespassion' at Staatsoper Stuttgart) and with Annalena Fröhlich (including 'Sonder' - decoratelier Bruxelles, Dampfzentrale Bern) and Claudia Bossard (e.g. 'Der Zauberberg', Volkstheater Munich), she has also created stage sets, spaces and costumes in recent seasons for productions by Richard Maxwell/ NewYork City Players (Theater Basel/ Abrons Art Center NewYork/TFANA NewYork), Bernhard Mikeska, Ludger Engels, Julia Lwowski/ Musiktheaterkollektiv Hauen & Stechen, Tina Pfurr, Roger Vontobel and Muhammed Kaltuk, among others. She also works regularly in various artistic collaborations in the Swiss film and theatre scene (including VORORT, Cynthia Gonzales, Fröhlich/Gao, Kämpf/Urweider/ Schwabenland) and is part of the dance theatre collective deRothfils, with whom she has toured internationally and created dance performances and films. Romy Springsguth was responsible for the set design/art direction of the cinema film 'Alle reden übers Wetter' by Annika Pinske (premiere at the Berlinale / Berlin International Film Festival 2022, Panorama section).

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