Benini Actress

© Christian Knörr

Liliana Benini was born in Milan in 1991. She graduated from the Scuola del Teatro Stabile in Turin under the direction of Valter Marosti and studied with Antonio Latella and Cristina Pezzoli, among others. In 2015 she met Christoph Marthaler at the Venice Biennale, which led to a longer collaboration. She has performed in 'Lulu' (Staatsoper Hamburg, 2017), 'Universe, Incomplete' (Ruhrtriennale, 2018), 'Das Weinen (The Weeping)' (Schauspielhaus Zürich, 2020), 'Orphée et Euridice' (Opernhaus Zürich, 2021) and 'Giuditta' (Bayerische Staatsoper, 2021), among others. She works as an actress and performer in a wide variety of artistic contexts: in film, including under the direction of Peter Greenaway ('Walking to Paris', 2019), or with the Swiss-Italian duo Studio Asparagus ('Papaya '69', 2021), in children's and youth theatre, landscape theatre, drama and musical theatre.

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