Kushnar Live camera, film contribution

Matviy Kushnar
© Christian Knörr

Matwij Kushnar was born in Kherson in 2000 and grew up there. He studied fine arts at the University of Kherson until April 2022. Since 2020, he has turned to film as a screenwriter and director and has been represented with his short films at various national and international festivals. Most recently, he made a short film about life in Kherson under occupation under the difficult conditions of the Russian occupation. The film was made under the title 'The street I need' as part of a series of 20 documentary films by young people from Ukraine. It has been shown in Ukraine, Germany and the USA. Matwij Kushnar has lived in Basel since autumn 2022. In the 23/24 season, he is involved in the production 'Life is Unstoppable' with a film contribution and live camera.

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