Vincent Stefan has been working internationally for several years as a freelance musician, director, composer, dramaturge, performer and photographer and has expanded his artistic field of activity as a video designer since 2008. In addition to composition commissions (Studio Babelsberg, Kent Nagano/DSO Berlin, Staatsoper Berlin, Alte Oper Frankfurt/Mousonturm, Theatertreffen/Maxim Gorki), engagements and projects have taken him to the Staatsoper and Deutsche Oper, among others. to the Staatsoper and Deutsche Oper Berlin, the Semperoper Dresden, the Volksbühne Berlin, the Nationaltheater Mannheim, the Nationaltheater Weimar, the operas of Halle and Dortmund, the Aalto Theater Essen, the Theater Basel, the Berlin HAU 1+2, to the festivals Steirischer Herbst and Ruhrtriennale as well as to the Berlin KitKatClub and the Berghain. He has worked for and with Peter Konwitschny, David Mouchtar-Samorai, Christoph Schlingensief, Sybille Berg, Heta Multanen, Martin G. Berger and Paul Georg Dittrich and produced various music videos. In 19/20 he was responsible for the video for the world premiere of 'Boris' at the Stuttgart State Opera, where his opera film 'MALEware' also premiered in 2022. In spring 2023, he staged Wagner's 'Parsifal' as a light opera in Bielefeld, worked on 'Tannhäuser' in Essen and 'Nixon in China' at the Dortmund Opera and was recently responsible for the video for the new production of 'Dora' at the Stuttgart State Opera.