In his works, Oleg Stepanov often moves between artificiality and naturalness and uses materials that lie at the interface of these concepts. In ‹I can’t be present due to traveling›, insulating material, which is normally used for thermal insulation when rescuing people, is transformed into a giant inflatable object. The material, which is supposed to save people fleeing across seas and oceans, itself becomes a stormy ocean that has the power to threaten the moment of rescue.
‹In Some Sense› (2018-2024) is part of an ongoing collaboration between American-German dancer and choreographer Tilman O'Donnell and Grammy-nominated musician and composer Mikkel Ploug. ‹In Some Sense› follows the contours of a lecture by French philosopher Alain Badiou entitled ‹From Logic to Antropology› and translates its key concepts into a musical and choreographic score.
In today's climate of incessant bombardment with information and misinformation, it is easy to feel destabilised and invisible. Nothing is real. There seems to be nothing left to hold on to. Nothing true that you can have an opinion about. ‹Afternoon Forest Birds› is a somewhat haphazard portrait of a man who has lost his way.
‹I can't be present due to traveling›
- Konzept und Choreographie –
- Kostüme –
Florentino Mori
- Musik –
Vadim Mukhin,Colin Stetson
‹In Some Sense›
- Konzept und Choreographie –
- Komposition –
‹Afternoon Forest Birds›
- Konzept und Choreographie –
- Künstlerische Zusammenarbeit –
Douglas Letheren,
- Bühne und Kostüme –
- Musik –
Charlie Haden,Liberation Music Orchestra
- Lichtdesign –
Thomas Kleinstück
‹I can't be present due to traveling›
- Tanz –
‹In Some Sense›
- Tanz –
- Musikalische Performance –
‹Afternoon Forest Birds›
- Tanz –